Jennifer Cameron, Executive Director Bryan England, Chair, Bauers Financial Klodiana Tedesco, Vice Chair, Nationwide Insurance Elizabeth Wagg Sheridan, Secretary, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Hilary Dodson, Treasurer, Kaiser Consulting Marybeth Cartmille, Immediate Past Chair, Options Home Services
Michelle Crum, OSU College of Nursing Kate Diday, Community Volunteer Isaac Meats, Upper Arlington High School Colin O'Shell, Brady Ware CPA Larae Schraeder, Schraeder Law, LLC Rachit Thariani, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Judith Yesso, Community Volunteer
Kathy Adams, UA City Council Designee, ExOfficio Christine Leyshon, UA C.A.R.E.S., ExOfficio Debbie McLaughlin, City of Upper Arlington, ExOfficio